65 ways to get started with downtown revitalization

21 Nov 2018

  1. Join the WEDC Connect Communities program (if you are not already) or consider joining the Main Street program if you’ve been participating in Connect Communities for a while and are ready to take the next step.
  2. Hold a downtown stakeholder meeting. Show PowerPoint presentations or videos available from Wisconsin Main Street or ask a member of the staff to make a presentation. Then figure out the strengths and weaknesses of your downtown and set some goals.
  3. Beat the streets … know your constituents and keep them informed! Learn the needs of your downtown businesses by communicating with them on a regular basis. React with appropriate projects.
  4. Publish a newsletter to keep primary stakeholders and others in the community informed about your progress.
  5. Educate various stakeholder and community groups about the importance of downtown (see previous list of benefits).
  6. Photograph your downtown buildings now. Building rehabilitations can best be promoted with before and after photos.
  7. Complete an inventory of buildings and businesses in the downtown area. Include size, ownership, cost to rent and availability.

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